
hazard 27 (defunct) › wall

gallery of some sort

[text] lost life ended missing (06/08/2006)
[text] a cry to the ones behind the lights (31/07/2006)
[text] can never remember her beautiful eyes now (16/03/2006)
[text] a somewhat true memory (11/03/2006)
[text] childhood daydream (10/12/2005)
[text] perfume memory (08/10/2005)
[text] liar (28/08/2005)
[text] write enable write protect (24/06/2005)
[text] thrown away coffee shop receipts (31/01/2005)
[text] repeat an afternoon at a mall (28/01/2005)
[text] no pedestrian crossing (24/01/2005)
[text] horrible dreams are not nightmares (13/01/2004)
[text] the fear of living (01/01/2004)
[text] bendful (16/01/2003)
[text] noticed (revisited) (17/06/2002)
[text] found (10/05/2002)

If something is missing, it might be on the floor now.

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