
hazard 27 (defunct) › about

sometimes even a description or two

hazard 27 (defunct): A collection of pixtures and texts. Let us leave it at that.

rid: Strong memories can destroy an injured person. I am a person that is trying to let go, but I end up forgetting just the weak memories, never giving them the chance to become adequate enough to help me.

notices: Might be news, or updates, but it could be called a blog.

trash: Where some pixtures and texts go because I don't really like them at the moment. Others might. You can look through them, but whatever is in the trash stays there.

floor: Where okay pixtures and texts go. Maybe a footprint might make it better. Anything on the floor you can put on the wall.

wall: Where decent pixtures and texts go. Sometimes whatever holds it up on the wall lets up. Anything on the wall you can put on the floor.

furniture: Scratches can be found here. Old scratches disappear after awhile. Where's your scratch?

about: Did you notice that nothing is good or great?

links: Neth Creatures, Synch-Point, firefox, thunderbird.


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