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repeat an afternoon at a mall (28/01/2005)

        "And what do you first see when you look at a glass wall, the reflection, or what's behind it?"
        "Why this question again?"
        Footsteps on marble tiles make sounds, but who pays attention to them? I try to use them to drown out voices.
        "Hey, are you listening?"
        "To what? Is there something interesting that I should pay attention to?"
        A hostile stare. A single step forward.
        And then I ran at a pace where she could easily chase me and keep up. Enough space between us so when she almost reaches me I could speed up without getting caught. Or at least I hope. After sprinting for a couple of minutes, she stops to catch her breath. She's too tired to hurt me now, but in her perspective I hurt her a great deal already.
        "I'm sorry."
        A cold response. Nothing at all.
        "I'm not going to make it up to you if you are not going to forgive me."
        "I forgive you, what are you going to do now?"
        "You tell me."

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