
hazard 27 (defunct) › notices


rid @ Wed 30 Nov 2005 6:19 pm:
Listening and red booking some recent and old live shows. Kinda fun. Brings back a lot of memories. Coding between breaks. Keeping things encrypted in memory is such a pain though.

rid @ Sat 26 Nov 2005 11:07 am:
Coding like crazy now. Between breaks, I finally beat Langrisser Hikari II for Sega MegaDrive on Genesis Plus. I think Langrisser in America was known as Warsong, which I heard was a horrible translation, but it couldn't have been as bad as Zero Wing. Oh well. Coding is somewhat fun again though.

rid @ Wed 23 Nov 2005 10:27 am:
Trying to get used to coding a lot. Been cleaning some code on this site. Should be a little faster. ALso, trying to reinvent a few things, just to remember how they work. I used to think reinventing things was a waste of time, but now, it's doing me good. I hope.

rid @ Sat 19 Nov 2005 12:21 pm:
Haven't been online for over a week. I think my bots took over my laptop. Anyhow, thanks to Randi, Justin, and Chris for helping me piece my life back together. I have no idea what I'd do without you. And thanks to Allyson, Justin, Marie, and Palani for putting up with me last Friday. Although, for some reason, I still feel that you should have just left me there.

rid @ Tue 8 Nov 2005 10:49 pm:
Been sleeping for so long. Not doing much. Heh. Wish I had a Gameboy Advance just to play Gunstar Super Heroes. Emulation doesn't cut it for this game. I love Treasure.

rid @ Mon 7 Nov 2005 11:16 pm:
So I noticed that the email address for this site has been down for almost a week. So if you sent me anything, I'm pretty sure it was lost in some sort of void. Try try again.

rid @ Thu 3 Nov 2005 11:45 pm:
All I can say is wow.

rid @ Tue 1 Nov 2005 6:52 pm:
Having this site on the same server with another site that I'm supposed to be working on forces me to do work. I guess that's a good thing. But then again, this server can't really go live without a domain name. Then again, the amount of time it takes to get the subdomain this server is supposed to have only amounts to half an hour tops, but if it was me, five minutes tops. And is that going to happen? I wonder.

rid @ Sun 30 Oct 2005 5:18 am:
Bugs smashed! Although I must say that I did use some nasty workarounds. I feel so dirty. But if I did it the clean way, that would've took an hour of my life, unlike the fifteen minutes it took. Yay!

rid @ Sun 30 Oct 2005 4:56 am:
In celebration of this not so bugfree move, perfume memory is available for a read. I'm gonna go bug smashing now.

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