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liar (28/08/2005)

When she gave me back my change, I didn't bother to look at it or count it. I immediately stuffed it down my left pocket and walked away with two packs of cigarettes in a plastic bag that didn't know how to advertise. My favourite.

But somehow I ended up with a liar. I'm pretty sure that it was part of the change that she gave me, although I'm probably wrong. It was on the kitchen table: a 1981 faded bill supposedly printed in Atlanta, noticeably discoloured, with the word twenty completely covering the department of the treasury seal. Lonely, since it usually comes in a case with tons more. And it likes to deal.

I wanted to keep it, but I needed money. And I didn't like holding on to a fake. So I went to a convenience store and tried to buy a pack of hand-made sandwiches, but they marked the bill and confiscated it. I can't wait for questioning, since I never got the change.

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