hazard 27 (defunct) › floor › view

brush strokes of grey paint on the sky and a horizon moon (19/05/2001)

Dreaming on the corner of the street, watch the day go by near the button that pedestrians push to cross the road. It doesn't make a difference whether or not someone pushes it at this location, but it gives the individuals something to do while they wait for the lights to change. The situation is a lot like television, with or without question.

Wake up at night. The moon is an actor for a commercial. Sometimes it rises, other times it falls. It doesn't matter what color the sky is. But unlike for a close star, the sky can be very dark. If I took a photograph, the negative is a reminder of what I've seen. Someday I'll forget completely and the undeveloped film will become meaningless. Maybe if I wrote something down, would it lose truth when enough time passes?

Above the horizon moon, fireworks go off and a future painter cries and her pacifier hits the broken down cement. Not even her mother can comfort her now. Will she rise, or will she fall? Cross a driver's path without asking for permission. Nothing is definite and everything changes, even the past.

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